Constantly under development...

"Custom picture frame by Paul Martin"
Training videos by Paul on;
- learn how to set butterflies (see training video below)
- how to correctly store butterflies
- how to make setting boards
- overview of butterfly setting tools & equipment
Articles by Paul and others on;
- pricing and understanding of butterflies
- tips on breeding
- butterfly and moth recording
- preservation of data labels
- insect deterrents
- butterfly and moth recording
- how to breed, set and store butterflies
- learn how to set butterflies (see training video below)
- how to correctly store butterflies
- how to make setting boards
- overview of butterfly setting tools & equipment
Articles by Paul and others on;
- pricing and understanding of butterflies
- tips on breeding
- butterfly and moth recording
- preservation of data labels
- insect deterrents
- butterfly and moth recording
- how to breed, set and store butterflies